www.bliinkcontest.com – Microsoft bliink Web Design Contest


How To Enter : During the Registration Period, visit www.bliinkcontest.com (the “Contest URL”) and follow the instructions to register for the Contest.

Eligibility : Microsoft bliink (the “Contest”) is open only individuals who

  1. are legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia,
  2. are at least thirteen (13) years old but no older than nineteen (19) years old as of January 5, 2011
  3. are currently registered/enrolled in a pre-collegiate school or home-school grogram in a participating state or program (“Eligible Group”), and meet the eligibility requirements for that Eligible Group,
  4. and who did not purchase any products, services or equipment for the purposes of entering this Contest

Timing : The Contest begins on January 5, 2011 at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”), and ends on March 3 2011 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Contest Period”)

Limit : Only one (1) Submission per team will be judged.

Prize (s) :

ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE (per Eligible Group): Each member of the winning team (consisting of 2 – 4 students) will receive an Xbox 360 + Kinnect with two (2) Xbox 360 games. Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): $400 per student.

ONE (1) FIRST RUNNER-UP PRIZE (per Eligible Group): Each member of the first runner-up team (consisting of 2 – 4 students) will receive an Xbox 360 + Kinnect. ARV: $300 per student.

ONE (1) SECOND RUNNER-UP PRIZE (per Eligible Group): Each member of the second runner-up team (consisting of 2 – 4 students) will receive an Xbox 360 with two (2) Xbox 360 games. ARV: $240 per student.