WONKA Golden Ticket Instant Win Game


Eligibility : WONKA Golden Ticket Instant Win Game is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C., 18 years and older

Promotion Period : WONKA Golden Ticket Instant Win Game begins 2/16/10 and ends 8/31/10 (“Promotion Period”), or when all game piece supplies are exhausted, whichever occurs first.

How To Enter : Visit wonka.com/goldenticket and follow the instructions.

Prize (s):

TEN (10) GRAND PRIZES:  Each Grand Prize winner will receive a Trip Around the World for winner and up to three (3) guests (as defined below) (subject to the limitations set forth herein), plus twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) spending cash awarded in the form of a check made payable to the winner. Each Grand Prize winner and his/her guests will work with a travel planner designated by Sponsor to plan the trip. Trip Around the World will consist of a maximum of four (4) consecutive destinations (each subject to approval by Sponsor), air transportation beginning and ending with the major airport closest to winner’s residence, standard hotel accommodations in each location (up to two rooms, double occupancy), ground transportation to/from airports and hotel. Cost of trip cannot exceed $27,500 and trip must be completed by 9/30/11 (ARV up to $40,000); odds of winning: 1:1,275,390.

98 FIRST PRIZES: Each First Prize winner will receive one (1) $500.00 Airline Voucher (ARV $500); odds of winning: 1:130,142.

392 SECOND PRIZES: Each Second Prize winner will receive a $50 Ticketmaster Gift Card (ARV: $50); odds of winning: 1:32,535.

588 THIRD PRIZES: Each Third Prize winner will receive movie certificate(s) good at participating movie theaters (ARV: $25); odds of winning: 1:21,690.

2,841 FOURTH PRIZES: Each Fourth Prize winner will receive two (2) coupons, one (1) for a free WONKA® 3.5-oz. Chocolate bar (up to $2.39) and one (1) for a free 9.5- and/or 8.5-oz. bag of WONKA® Chocolate pieces (up to $4.29) (ARV: $6.68); odds of winning: 1:4,489.

Total ARV of all prizes:

Winners : For a list of major prize winners, print your name and address on a 3″ x 5″ card, and mail it in an envelope to: WONKA Golden Ticket Instant Win Game, P.O. Box 6607, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663. Requests must be received by 11/30/10.