Monsters vs. Aliens Sweepstakes


Eligibility :
To enter the Monsters vs. Aliens Sweepstakes you must (i) have your parent’s or legal guardian’s (“Parent”) permission, (ii) be a legal resident of the 48 contiguous United States or the District of Columbia and (iii) be between the ages of 6 and 14 at the time of entry(“Participant”).

Timing :
The Monsters vs. Aliens Sweepstakes begins at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) on 2/2/09 and ends at11:59 p.m. ET on 2/22/09 (“Sweepstakes Period”).

How to enter:
Visit (the “Sweepstakes Site”) and complete an official registration form (the“Entry”).

Entries limited to one (1) entry per calendar day per person/email address

Prize (s):

Grand Prize (1): One (1) Grand Prize Winner will receive a 3 day / 2 consecutive night trip for Grand Prize Winner andhis/her Parent to Los Angeles, CA (the “Trip Package”). Trip Package consists of: (i) Round-trip coach air transportation for the GrandPrize Winner and his/her Parent from the major U.S. airport nearest to Grand Prize Winner’s home (as determined by Sponsor Partiesin their sole discretion) to Los Angeles, (ii) two consecutive nights standard hotel accommodations of Sponsor Parties’ choice (singleroom), (iii) ground transportation from the hotel to the Monsters vs. Aliens premiere (return trip included), and (iv) two passes to the Los Angeles premiere of Monsters vs. Aliens. Grand Prize Winner must be accompanied by his/her Parent. Travel restrictions, conditionsand limitations may apply. Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of the Trip Package: $2,400.00.

Total ARV of all prizes: