– Kmart Fab 15 Sweepstakes


How To Enter : Go to, vote for your child’s favorite toy and click the “Continue to Entry Form” Button and follow the onscreen instructions as directed.

Eligibility : Open only to legal residents of the Fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 or older at the time of entry

Timing :  Kmart Fab 15 Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”) begins at 12:00:01 AM Central Standard Time (“CST”) on September 20, 2012 and ends at 11:59 PM CST on November 22, 2012.

Limit : Limit one (1) Entry per person per email address per day

Prize (s) :

One (1) Daily Prize will be awarded based on the corresponding Entry Dates stated herein:

Furby: 9/20/2012; 10/4/2012; 10/18/2012; 10/31/2012; 11/13/2012; ARV: $59.99
Lego Monster Fighters: The Vampyre Hearse: 9/21/2012; 10/5/2012; 10/19/2012; 11/1/2012; 11/14/2012; ARV: $34.99
Barbie Holiday 2012 Brunette Doll (Kmart Exclusive): 9/22/2012; 10/6/2012; 10/20/2012; 11/2/2012; ARV: $39.99
Disney Princess Vanity: 9/23/2012; 10/7/2012; ARV: $99.99
Monster High Skultimate Roller Maze Gift set (Kmart Exclusive): 9/24/2012; 10/8/2012; 10/21/2012; 11/3/2012; ARV: $26.99
FURREAL FRIENDS BOUNCY, MY HAPPY TO SEE ME PUP: 9/25/2012; 10/9/2012; 10/22/2012; 11/4/2012; 11/15/2012; ARV: $36.99
Monsuno Strike Sector Combat Set: 9/26/2012; 10/10/2012; 10/23/2012; 11/5/2012; 11/16/2012; ARV: $24.99
Air Hogs Hover Assault: 9/27/2012; 10/11/2012; 10/24/2012; 11/6/2012; 11/17/2012; ARV: 49.99
Master Moves Mickey: 9/28/2012; 10/12/2012; 10/25/2012; 11/7/2012; 11/18/2012; ARV: $69.99
LeapFrog LeapPad2TM: 9/29/2012; 10/13/2012; 10/26/2012; 11/8/2012; 11/19/2012; ARV: $99.99
Imaginext Castle: 9/30/2012; 10/14/2012; 10/27/2012; 11/9/2012; ARV: 59.99
Twister Dance: 10/1/2012; 10/15/2012; 10/28/2012; 11/10/2012; 11/20/2012; ARV: $32.99
WWE Brawlin Buddies: 10/2/2012; 10/16/2012; 10/29/2012; 11/11/2012; 11/21/2012; ARV: $29.99
Johnny The Skull: 10/3/2012; 10/17/2012; 10/30/2012; 11/12/2012; 11/22/2012; ARV: $34.99

Total ARV of all prizes : $3,082.36