SweepstakesMag Weekly Roundup (June 12 – 18, 2016)

SweepstakesMag Weekly Roundup

This week’s roundup features Sweepstakes presented by Minute Maid, Phillips 66, Wonder Bread, Discovery Channel, and more. Have a look below to see what you may have missed in the last 7 days.

Minute Maid Medals of Goodness Sweepstakes

MinuteMaid.com/DoinGood - Minute Maid Medals of Goodness Sweepstakes

Visit MinuteMaid.com/DoinGood to tell a parent they’re doing good and you could be 1 of 5 families to win $10,000. All you have to do is upload a receipt from any Minute Maid purchase and create a meme.

Back To School Hot Spot Instant Win Game

BTSHotspot.com - Back To School Hot Spot Instant Win Game

Play at BTSHotspot.com and you could win the latest tech during the Back To School Hot Spot Instant Win Game. Over $25,000 in prizes available to be won.

Phillips 66 TANK 5 Promotion 2016

Phillips66Tank5.com - Phillips 66 TANK 5 Promotion

Hey drivers, play TANK5 Game 2016 today at Phillips66TANK5.com and win instantly! You could win up to $20 in Phillips 66 gift cards. Play daily from July 1st through September 9th.

Wonder Bread Scrat-astrophic Adventure Sweepstakes

WonderBreadAdventure.com - Wonder Bread Scrat-astrophic Adventure Sweepstakes

Try your luck at WonderBreadAdventure.com and you could win a once-in-a-lifetime Scrat-astrophic experience in the Wonder Bread Adventure Sweepstakes.

Cox & Discovery Shark N’ Awe Sweepstakes

Cox.DiscoveryPhotoSharked.com - Cox & Discovery Shark N’ Awe Sweepstakes

Take a bite into Shark Week during the Shark N’ Awe Sweepstakes presented by Cox Communications And Discovery Channel. You could win an entertainment package worth $2,500!

Modern Family Nightly Hollywood Here I Come Sweepstakes

ModernFamilyNightlySweepstakes.com - Modern Family Hollywood Here I Come Sweepstakes

Visit ModernFamilyNightlySweepstakes.com now for a chance to win in the Modern Family Hollywood Here I Come Sweepstakes. You could win a trip to attend a Modern Family table read in Hollywood!

Jay Leno’s Garage: Meet Jay At Monterey Contest

Jay Leno's Garage Meet Jay Contest

Show Jay Leno why you’re car proud using the hashtag #MeetJayContest for the chance to meet him in Monterey in the Meet Jay At Monterey Contest!

NAPA Filters 50 Golden Years Sweepstakes

NAPAFilters50GoldenYears.com - NAPA Filters 50 Golden Years Sweepstakes

Go to NAPAFilters50GoldenYears.com and celebrate NAPA Filters’ 50th Anniversary by entering the NAPA Filters 50 Golden Years Sweepstakes. You could win a $5,000 Gold gift card and more.

If you already entered those, be sure to return and enter again to improve your chances of winning. If you didn’t enter yet, do yourself a favor by checking them out and participate now. You could win incredible prizes.