SweepstakesMag Weekly Roundup (April 10 – 16, 2016)

SweepstakesMag Weekly Roundup

This week’s roundup features Sweepstakes presented by Bass Pro Shop, USA Network, LIVE, Grizzly and more. Have a look below to see what you may have missed in the last 7 days.

New Mexico Tourism Taste New Mexico True Sweepstakes

TasteNMTrue.com: New Mexico Tourism Taste New Mexico True Sweepstakes

Enter the New Mexico Tourism Taste New Mexico True Sweepstakes at TasteNMTrue.com for a chance to win a New Mexico adventure that feeds the soul.

Taste The Music Sweepstakes

Taste The Music Sweepstakes

Mondelez invites you to taste the music by sending you and a guest to the iHeartRadio Music Festival Las Vegas 2016 with the Taste The Music Sweepstakes. Enter daily at tastethemusic.com through August 15, 2016.

USA Network Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Sweepstakes

USA Network Rescue Restore Redecorate Sweepstakes

USA Network and Ace Hardware are giving away a total of $6,000 in gift cards in the Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Sweepstakes. Want to be one of the winner?

LIVE’s DIY Disasters Photo Contest

LIVE’s DIY Disasters Photo Contest

Let your DIY disasters bring you luck with LIVE’s DIY Disasters Photo Contest. Send a photo of your biggest DIY fail or mistake today and you could be the lucky winner of kitchen makeover valued at $20,000.

MyGrizzly.com Pouch Upgrade Sweepstakes

MyGrizzly.com Pouch Upgrade Sweepstakes

The MyGrizzly.com Pouch Upgrade Sweepstakes is your chance to upgrade your backyard, workshop, man cave, or ride. Enter once per week through May 31, 2016.

Albertsons Monopoly Winners 2016

Albertsons Monopoly Winners 2016

Think it’s impossible to win the Albertsons Monopoly? These Albertsons Monopoly Winners 2016 will prove you wrong.

BassPro.com BroVsBro Sweepstakes 2016

BassPro.com BroVsBro Sweepstakes 2016

Tweet now using @BassProShops and #BroVsBro for a chance to win a new Ranger or Tracker boat in the BassPro.com BroVsBro Sweepstakes 2016.

If you already entered those, be sure to return and enter again to improve your chances of winning. If you didn’t enter yet, do yourself a favor by checking them out and participate now. You could win incredible prizes.