Pass the Pistachio Sweepstakes: Will you pass or shot?

Pass the Pistachio Sweepstakes

Just in time for the NCAA March Madness beginning tonight, Wonderful Pistachios is launching the Pass the Pistachio Sweepstakes, that will run from March 16 to April 12, 2015, and want to know if you are a team player or a hotshot.

Choosing to pass gives you and the other people passing a great chance at winning one of over 600 weekly prizes including Stress Balls, Pistachio Serving Dishes and bags of Wonderful Pistachios while shooting doesn’t always work, but may bring home the glory and a $1,000 cash prize! Will you pass or shot?

Pass Or Shot

Starting on March 16, 2015, you may participate using one of the following two (2) methods:

  • Online: During the Promotion Period, visit and either select “Pass” to post a Tweet including a friend’s Twitter handle and the
    hashtag #PassThePistachio or “Shoot” to post a Tweet including the hashtag #ShootThePistachio only. Upon posting your Tweet, you will automatically receive one (1) entry into the applicable Weekly Drawing Period for either a Pass Prize or a Shoot Prize.
  • Twitter: During the Promotion Period, you may also participate directly via Twitter by either posting a Tweet including a friend’s Twitter handle and the
    hashtag #PassThePistachio or the hashtag #ShootThePistachio only. Upon posting your Tweet, you will automatically receive one (1) entry into the applicable Weekly Drawing Period for either a Pass Prize or a Shoot Prize.

Regardless of the method used to participate, entries must be received no later than 11:59:59 p.m. ET on April 12, 2015 to be eligible. No more than one (1) tweet/entry per day is allowed.

Pass/Shoot Prizes

One Shoot Prize will be awarded every week for four (4) weeks, each consisting of a check in the amount of $1,000. Plus, a total of 625 Pass Prizes is available to be won, as listed below:

  • One (1) Pistachio Serving Dish (50 prizes available)
  • One (1) bag of Wonderful Pistachios, awarded in the form of a coupon (75 prizes available)
  • One (1) Stress Ball (500 prizes available)


The Pass the Pistachio Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (including the District of Columbia) who are at least eighteen (18) years of age as of date of entry.