LIVE with Regis and Kelly Beautiful Baby Search 2009


Eligibility :
Nominees must be between the age of 6 months and 48 months as of January 12, 2009 and legal resident of the 50 U.S., D.C. or Canada, with the exception of Guam, Puerto Rico and all other U.S. territories and possessions and the Province of Quebec, Canada and where prohibited by law.

Timing :
Entries must be received by 5pm ET on Friday, February 13, 2009 to be eligible.

How to enter:
Enter by logging on to our Web site at: There you will find instructions on the appropriate and acceptable file formats and sizes for submitting your entry electronically. Click on the e-mail address indicated and write your name, address and day & evening phone numbers along with your child’s name and date of birth, attaching to the message the properly formatted photo.

Prize (s):

One (1) Grand Prize Winner will receive $125,000 to be used towards a 4 year college education and will appear on a future cover of Parenting magazine, Early Years edition.

Four (4) runners-up will each receive $25,000 to be used towards 1 year of college education.

Ten (10) semi-finalists will each receive a year’s worth of Gerber’s Start Healthy, Stay Healthy food which includes a personalized nutrition plan. Valued at $1000 (per winner).

Total ARV of all prizes: