Gorell Go Green with ENERGY STAR Windows Sweepstakes


Eligibility :
The Gorell Go Green with ENERGY STAR Windows Sweepstakes is open only to a legal resident residing in the geographic areas of the United States serviced by an authorized dealer of Gorell Windows & Doors, LLC (“Sponsor”), who is 21 years of age or older, who is a home owner of a single-family home and who had Internet access prior to Sweepstakes-Start. You will be asked to enter a Zip code to determine if you fall within the specific geographic areas of this Sweepstakes. Void in Puerto Rico and other US territories.

Timing :
The Gorell Go Green with ENERGY STAR Windows Sweepstakes Period is from 12:00:01 am Eastern Time (ET), July 4, 2008 (“Sweepstakes-Start”) to 11:59:59 pm ET, December 31, 2009 (“Sweepstakes-End”).

How to enter:
Go to www.gorell.com and follow the on-screen instructions and complete the entry form.

Maximum one (1) entry per household during the Sweepstake-Period.

Prize (s):

(1) Grand Prize: Up to twelve (maximum 12) of Gorell ENERGY STAR® Qualified Premium Replacement Windows custom manufactured by Gorell Windows & Doors, LLC, including installation* by an accredited Gorell dealer (up to a maximum of $12,000 retail value, including installation). Windows include Gorell’s AC Master® double-insulating high-performance glass system. ARV: Up to $12,000

(1) First Prize: Five (5) Gorell ENERGY STAR® Qualified Premium Replacement Windows custom manufactured by Gorell Windows & Doors, LLC, including installation* by an accredited Gorell dealer (up to a maximum of $5,000 retail value, including installation). Windows include Gorell’s AC Master® double-insulating high-performance glass system. ARV: $5,000.

(1) Second Prize: Three (3) Gorell ENERGY STAR® Qualified Premium Replacement Windows custom manufactured by Gorell Windows & Doors, LLC, including installation* by an accredited Gorell dealer (up to a maximum of $3,000 retail value, including installation). Windows include Gorell’s AC Master® double-insulating high-performance glass system. ARV: $3,000.

Total ARV of all prizes: