Kraft Healthy Living RDN Recipe Contest : Submit your healthful recipes !


Do you have healthful and nutritious recipes ? It’s time to share them with Kraft !

Submit your recipes (up to 4) during the contest entry period, between October 15 and 11:59 pm ET on January 15, 2015, by following the instructions at and you might be one of the four winners !

Judging Criteria – First Round

  • Relevance to Ease of Preparation (30%);
  • Appetite Appeal (30%);
  • Appropriateness to Theme (30%);
  • Kraft is an integral part of the recipe (10%).

Judging Criteria – Second Round

  • Taste (60%);
  • Texture (20%);
  • Nutritional Integrity (20%).

Submission Limit – One Per Category

You may submit a maximum of 4 contest entries (recipes) per email address/person.

Win Great Prizes

If your recipe receive the highest score in its category, you will be deemed a Grand Prize winner and you will receive a $500 gift card to your choice of Williams Sonoma, Sur la Table or Crate + Barrel plus a Kraft gift basket.

If your recipe receive the second highest score in its category, you will be deemed a Runner Up Prize winner and you shall win a $100 gift card to your choice of Williams Sonoma, Sur la Table or Crate + Barrel plus a Kraft gift basket.

Finally, if your recipe receive the third highest score in its category, you will be deemed a Honorable Mentions Prize winner and will get a Kraft gift basket.

Contest Eligibility

To submit a recipe and enter the contest, you must be a resident of the 50 United States and D.C., who is 18 years old or older as of the time of entry and who is a registered dietitian nutritionists, nutrition and health professionals, chefs or other nutrition inspired consumer.