Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest


How To Enter : Visit and follow the instructions.

Eligibility : The Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest (“Contest”) is open to two-person couples, each member of which:

  1. Is a legal resident of the fifty (50) United States (excluding Vermont and North Dakota) or the District of Columbia, excluding U.S. territories
  2. Is 21 years of age or older at the time of entry; and
  3. Is engaged to be lawfully married to the other member of the couple at the time of entry and has not previously married the other member of the couple (for purposes of these Official Rules the term “lawfully married” also includes couples who intend to unite in a commitment ceremony; “wedding” includes commitment ceremony; and “bridal registry” includes commitment registry) and
  4. Is ready, willing and able to be lawfully married on a date specified by Sponsor on or before December 31, 2011 (or if a written extension is granted by Sponsor, on or before February 15, 2012), in a wedding arranged by a Wedding Planner as set forth below, and potentially broadcast on the Internet and otherwise publicized; and
  5. Has, along with the other member of the couple, created an eligible bridal registry at (“Website”) or previously created a registry in the system that complies with the requirements as listed in these Official Rules; and
  6. Is of good moral character, has never been convicted of a felony of any nature or any crime of violence, and has nothing in his/her background that would be an embarrassment to Sponsor should Entrant be selected as a winner in the Contest; and
  7. Is willing to undergo a background check conducted by Sponsor or its agent and to sign all requested waiver, consent and authorization forms authorizing the release of personal and background information for the purpose of such background check; and
  8. Is willing to comply in full with these Official Rules and all other terms and conditions of the Contest; and
  9. Is not excluded from eligibility by these Official Rules and/or the other terms and conditions of the Contest; and
  10. Must be able to make the necessary time commitment to plan, promote and participate in the wedding before, during and after the actual ceremony; and
  11. Is willing to be married in a ceremony held outside or in a venue that is mutually agreed upon between sponsor and wedding planner within the United States; and
  12. Each couple, the members of which are in full compliance with the above criteria, shall be referenced herein as an “Entrant” or, collectively with other such couples, as “Entrants.” Each member of an Entrant must be willing to sign an affidavit attesting to the truth of all facts stated in such Entrant’s entry and accompanying materials (described below) and further attesting to the fact that each member of the Entrant meets all eligibility requirements stated above and herein.
  13. Employees and consultants of Sponsor, Phenomenon, the wedding planner chosen by Sponsor (“Wedding Planner”), or other advertising or promotion agencies or business partners involved with or are retained to provide services in connection with the Contest, and/or any of their respective affiliates, parent company or related entities, subsidiaries or successors of any such individuals or entities, and their respective immediate family members are not eligible to enter or win the Contest. For purposes of these Official Rules “immediate family members” is defined as parents, spouses, former spouses, children, grandchildren, dependents, siblings or others similarly related to and/or those living in the same household as the employee in question. All determinations of eligibility shall be made by Sponsor in its sole discretion. By submitting an entry, entering online and/or uploading photos, each member of each Entrant agrees that he/she has read and consents to be bound by and comply with these Official Rules at the time of submission and throughout the Contest.

  14. Understands entry will be publicly available on the Internet and elsewhere both during and after the Contest Period, and is willing to have it be so available.

Timing : The Contest will begin on February 1, 2011 at 12:01 a.m. (CT) and will end on March 31, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. (CT) (“Submission Period”).

Limit : N/A

Prize (s) :

ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE (referred to hereafter as “Grand Prize” or “Ultimate Wedding”) will be awarded to the Finalist selected as the Grand Prize Winner (the “Grand Prize Winner”). The Grand Prize will consist of an Ultimate Wedding planned/designed by the Wedding Planner, valued at approximately One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($120,000) (the “Wedding Budget”). The Wedding Budget includes the Wedding Planner’s fee ($20,000) and a $10,000 Crate and Barrel Shop Card, leaving a balance of $90,000 (“Wedding Budget Balance”) to cover items outlined below.

  • The date of the wedding is conditioned on the Wedding Planner’s availability and the Sponsor’s promotional calendar, and the Wedding Planner will decide upon numerous elements of the wedding without input from the Grand Prize Winner. The Grand Prize provided by Sponsor may consist of all, some or any combination of the following, provided that such items, are selected by Wedding Planner and the Grand Prize Winner, and approved by Sponsor, and, in the aggregate, do not exceed the Wedding Budget Balance:
  1. A wedding ceremony officiated by a person selected by Sponsor and the Wedding Planner or officiated by an individual chosen by the Grand Prize Winner and approved by Sponsor and the Wedding Planner, provided that such individual is legally entitled to perform marriages in the location selected for the ceremony;
  2. Wedding attire for the couple (may be rented);
  3. Makeup and hairstyling for the couple;
  4. Wedding attire for the wedding party (certain outfits of which may be rented), including 4 attendants on each side, one of whom may be a flower girl on one side and one of whom may be a ring bearer on the other side;
  5. Wedding location and decor; 40% discount on Crate and Barrel products to be used at event.
  6. Wedding reception, food and entertainment;
  7. Wedding photographer (to be selected or approved by Sponsor);
  8. Wedding rings (excluding the engagement ring); and
  9. Reasonable travel expenses of the Grand Prize Winner, including hotel (if outside the hometowns of either member of the Grand Prize Winner), in connection with any publicity and promotion activities required by Sponsor.

ONE (1) SECOND PRIZE: One (1) Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollar and No Cents (USD $7,500.00) Crate and Barrel Shop Card will be awarded to the Entrant whose Entry, after eliminating any disqualified Entries or Entrants, received the second highest score from the Judges.

ONE (1) THIRD PRIZE: One (1) Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollar and No Cents (USD $2,500.00) Crate and Barrel Shop Card will be awarded to the Entrant whose Entry, after eliminating any disqualified Entries or Entrants, received the third highest score from the Judges.

FIFTEEN (15) HONORABLE MENTION PRIZES: One (1) One Thousand Dollar and No Cents (USD $1,000.00) Crate and Barrel Shop Card to each Entrant whose Entry, after eliminating any disqualified Entries or Entrants, received the 4th through 18th highest scores from the Judges.

ONE (1) MOST VOTES PRIZE: The Entry that receives the most public votes through the process described in Section 5 above will win one (1) Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollar and No Cents (USD $7,500.00) Crate and Barrel Shop Card.

Total ARV of all prizes : $152,500