Ellen Earth Day 2021 Giveaway

Ellen Earth Day 2021 Giveaway

Visit ellentube.com/earthday to enter the Ellen Earth Day 2021 Giveaway and you could be the winner of all of the incredible giveaways from Ellen’s Earth Day 2021 Show.

Here’s what to know about Ellen DeGeneres Earth Day 2021 Contest.

  • The Contest is open to individuals who meet the following criteria: (a) are the age of majority in his/her jurisdiction of residence or older and (b) are a legal resident of and physically residing in one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia (excluding Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, United States territories, possessions, and protectorates, foreign based United States military installations and wherever prohibited by law) or Canada (excluding Quebec).
  • Begins on April 22, 2021 and ends on April 26, 2021.
  • The approximate retail value of each prize package awarded is between $1,500 – $4,500.

Enter At EllenTube.com/EarthDay | Official Rules | Follow Us On Facebook