Sony Picture – SPN 2008 Season Sweepstakes


Eligibility :
The SPN 2008 Season Sweepstakes (Sweepstakes) is only open to permanent legal residents of the fifty (50) states of the United States (and the D.C.), who are physically located and residing therein, and who are 13 years of age or older as of January 9, 2008, and are members in good standing of the Sony Pictures Network (SPN). Employees of Hilltop New Media, Inc. (Sponsor), its affiliates, parents and subsidiaries, the Sweepstakes administrator, their advertising or promotion agencies, those involved in the production, development, implementation or handling of this Sweepstakes, any agents acting for, or on behalf of the above entities, their respective parent companies, officers, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensees, service providers, prize suppliers, any other person or entity associated with this Sweepstakes (collectively Sweepstakes Entities) and/or members of their immediate families (spouses, children, siblings, parents) and/or persons living in the same household as such persons, whether or not related, are ineligible to enter this Sweepstakes.

Timing :
This Sweepstakes begins at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time (PT) on January 9, 2008, and ends at 11:59 p.m. PT on December 31, 2008 (Sweepstakes Period).

How to Enter :
This Sweepstakes consists of twelve (12) monthly sweepstakes: Each monthly sweepstakes begins at 12:01 a.m. PT and ends at 11:59 p.m. PT on the respective 1st and last day of each month, with the exception of the January monthly sweepstakes which begins on January 9, 2008. You must be registered with SPN to be eligible to win a prize. IF YOU ARE REGISTERED WITH SPN PRIOR TO THE START OF THIS SWEEPSTAKES, YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENTERED. If you are not registered with SPN, access the SPN registration page located at (Web Site) and follow the online instructions to complete and submit the registration form. Information required on the registration form consists of your Email Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Phone Number (with Area Code), Zip Code, and your choice of Password (collectively, Registration Information). All required Registration Information must be completed in full. Participants can only register with the Web Site under one (1) email address. Once an email address has been registered by a participant, that email address cannot be used by any other person for this Sweepstakes. Only the participant registered under a particular email address may participate in this Sweepstakes.

Limit :
Limit one (1) registration per email address per person. Upon successfully registering for SPN, you will automatically be entered into this Sweepstakes (Entry). Limit one (1) Entry per person/email address per monthly sweepstakes.

Prize (s):
July. One (1) Prize: One (1) Xplod 2-way speaker system (model: VGN-N130P/B) (ARV $79.99); one (1) 2GB Walkman Video MP3 Player (model: NWZ-S615FBLK) (ARV $89.95); and 5 Sony Movie soundtracks (ARV $75.00). Actual soundtracks awarded at Sponsor’s sole discretion.

h. August. One (1) Prize: TV on DVD Library including 5 DVD sets (ARV $150.00). Actual DVD’s awarded at Sponsor’s sole discretion.

i. September. One (1) Prize: One (1) Sony Reader Digital Book (model: PRS-505/SC) (ARV $299.99).

j. October. One (1) Prize: Horror Merchandise prize pack and 4 classic Horror flicks on DVD (ARV $150.00). Actual merchandise and DVD’s awarded at Sponsor’s sole discretion.

k. November. One (1) Prize: One (1) Private Hometown Screening of a film for winner and up to 100 guests. Actual movie awarded at Sponsor’s sole discretion (ARV $500.00).

l. December. One (1) Prize: One (1) PLAYSTATION’3 (40GB) (Model: PS398006) (ARV $399.99).

Total ARV of all prizes :