– XM MLB® David Ortiz Sweepstakes


Eligibility :
XM MLB® David Ortiz Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) is open to legal residents of the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States and the District of Columbia, eighteen (18) years of age or older as of 7/31/08. Employees, officers, directors, agents and representatives of XM Satellite Radio Inc. (“Sponsor”), the MLB Entities and each of their respective parents, affiliated companies, subsidiaries, retailers, distributors, licensees, advertising, public relations and promotion agencies, Project Support Team, Inc. (“P/S/T”) and anyone connected with the production and distribution of this sweepstakes (hereafter, collectively “Released Parties”) and their immediate families (mother, father, sister, brother, any child, husband or wife regardless of where they reside), and those living in the same household of such employees, whether or not related, and employees of Sirius Satellite Radio are not eligible to enter or win.

Timing :
The Sweepstakes begins on 7/31/08 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) and ends on 8/26/08 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Promotion Period”).

How to enter:
Visit and click on the Sweepstakes banners, buttons and/or links to access the online entry form for the Sweepstakes. By successfully transmitting your completed online Official Entry Form, you will receive one (1) entry in the Sweepstakes. All information submitted online by entrants is subject to, and will be treated in a manner consistent with,’s Website terms of use accessible at: and Privacy Policy accessible at: Entrants must fully complete and submit all non-optional data requested on the online entry form to be eligible. Incomplete entries are void. Online entrants to the Sweepstakes will be given the option to receive (a) commercial e-mails from and/or XM, and/or (b) mobile text messages and updates from; however, eligibility to participate in the Sweepstakes is not dependent upon entrant’s consent to receive such e-mails or mobile text messages and updates. Standard messaging rates apply to mobile text messages and updates. Check with your mobile service provider for more information.

Limit :
There is a limit of one (1) entry per person/email address for the duration of the Promotion Period. Additional entries received from any one (1) person or email address will void all but the initial entry.

Prize (s):
One (1) Grand Prize: Trip for winner and three (3) guests to Boston, Massachusetts to attend the 9/2/08 Boston Red Sox baseball game and take batting practice with David Ortiz. Trip consists of round trip coach air transportation for four (4) from major U.S. gateway airport nearest winner’s primary residence in the U.S., 2-night standard double occupancy hotel accommodations (two (2) rooms), ground transfers to and from the airport/hotel/stadium, a check in the amount of $250 (for winner only) and baseball memorabilia selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Approximate Retail Value “ARV”: $5,000.

Two (2) First Prizes: XpressEZ satellite radio with waived activation and three (3) months of service. Service is subject to certain terms and conditions specified by XM Satellite Radio. ARV: $123.85.

Total ARV of all prizes: