halotoymation.megabloks.com – Halo Toymation Contest


How To Enter : Visit halotoymation.megabloks.com and follow the instructions to submit your video clip and to complete the registration form.

Eligibility : The Contest is open to all legal residents of Canada, the United States or the United Kingdom, AGED 13 YEARS OR OLDER at the time of entry who are registered members of the Bloks Brigade (http://www.megabloks.com/en/kids/halo/blog/join-the-brigade/) with the exception of residents of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories and possessions outside the continental United States. To join the Bloks Brigade, simply go to http://www.megabloks.com/en/kids/halo/blog/join-the-brigade/ and fill out the registration form; there is no cost associated with joining the Bloks Brigade.

Timing : The Contest will run starting on Friday, August 5th, 2011, at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) and close on Sunday, September 25th, 2011 at 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).

Limit : You can enter the Contest as many times as you like (whether individually or in a group) provided that each time that you enter you are submitting an original video and not merely re-hashing previously submitted content or submitting sequels to previously submitted videos.

Prize (s) :

First Prize:
The first prize consists of: (a) one Canon EOS Digital Rebel T3i Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens (Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) CDN$950); (b) one Toon Boom Studio software package (ARV CDN$300); (c) one Apple MacBook Pro Laptop, 15 inch 2.0 Ghz (ARV CDN$1,800); (d) one custom-built Mega Bloks “Helmet” trophy (ARV CDN$100); (e) one custom-built 2D pixel art poster autographed by the Judges for the Contest (ARV CDN$100); and (f) the complete Halo Mega Bloks Fall 2011 Collection (ARV CDN$750) (TOTAL ARV CDN$4,000).

Second Prize:

The second prize consists of: (a) one Canon EOS Digital Rebel T3i Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens (ARV CDN$950); (b) one Toon Boom Studio software package (ARV CDN$300); (c) one custom-built Mega Bloks “Helmet” trophy (ARV CDN$100); (d) one custom-built 2D pixel art poster autographed by the Judges for the Contest (ARV CDN$100); and (e) selected toys (chosen by MEGA Brands) from the Halo Mega Bloks Fall 2011 Collection (ARV CDN$250) (TOTAL ARV CDN$1,700).

Third Prize:

The third prize consists of: (a) one Toon Boom Studio software package (ARV CDN$300); (b) one custom-built Mega Bloks “Helmet” trophy (ARV CDN$100); (c) one custom-built 2D pixel art poster autographed by the Judges for the Contest (ARV CDN$100); and (d) selected toys (chosen by MEGA Brands) from the Halo Mega Bloks Fall 2011 Collection (ARV CDN$100) (TOTAL ARV CDN$600).

Notable Mentions:

In addition, the Judges for the Contest will select up to five (5) additional video clips that will receive the designation of Notable Mention. The persons (or group of persons, in the case of a group submission) having submitted such video clips will each receive: (a) one Halo-styled customized name plate built out of Mega Bloks (ARV CDN$10); and (b) selected pack (chosen by MEGA Brands) from the Halo Mega Bloks Fall 2011 Collection (ARV CDN$20) (TOTAL ARV CDN$30).