Shark Week Trivia Question and Answer 2020

Shark Week Sweepstakes 2020

Tune in to Discovery Channel’s Josh Gates Tonight for the correct answer to the trivia question relating to that night’s episode and you could win the Shark Week Sweepstakes 2020.

Here is the Shark Week Trivia Question and Answer for tonight:

Date Shark Week Trivia Question Shark Week Trivia Answer
August 9, 2020 What iconic shark movie is recreated at the beginning of the episode? JAWS
August 10, 2020 Who was the celebrity guest on tonight’s episode? WILLIAM SHATNER
August 11, 2020 Name one shark expert who was a guest on tonight’s episode. FORREST GALANTE
August 12, 2020 What was Josh drinking in tonight’s episode? ELECTRIC SHARK
August 13, 2020


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