Daily Entry Sweepstakes

Find Sweepstakes You Can Enter Once A Day on SweepstakesMag

Find a Pro Holiday Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win a $2,500 check !

Skyline Chili National Chili Month 2010 Contest

Enter for a chance to win 1 of 620 $10 Skyline Chili gift cards !

Better Homes and Gardens Bouquet a Month Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win one (1) bouquet of flowers from FTD.com per month, delivered to your home for a 12 month period !

Carroll Shelby’s Chili Kits Win a $10,000 Dream Vacation Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win a $10,000 travel budget with a professional travel agent who will assist you in booking a trip for you and up to four (4) guests !

Shawn Johnson Gymnastics Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win 1 of 20 Shawn Johnson Gymnastics on Wii or DS !

gearupandgo.outdoorchannel.com – Outdoor Channel Gear Up and Go Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win a Dodge Ram Outdoorsmen Truck and more !

Hand Out Hostess On Halloween Promotion

Enter for a chance to win up to $1,000,000 and more !

Health Valley Organic Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win a $250 Retailer Gift Card to Fred Meyer or Stop & Shop!

Holiday Entertaining Naturally Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win 1 of 5 $1,000 in gift cards to a grocery retailer of your choice or 1 of 25 reusable Allrecipes.com grocery gift bags !

$20,000 Holidays Well Spent Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win a $20,000 check !

FrontDoor.com’s Trick-or-Treat Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win $3,000 cash !

Pantene Restore Beautiful Lengths Memory Game

Enter for a chance to win a one (1) year supply of Pantene Restore Beautiful Lengths product collection !

2010 Great Clips Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win a trip to Los Angeles, CA for the opportunity to watch a live taping of GameDay Morning at NFL Studios, Haircuts for a year at a Great Clips salon, Great Clips Gear Bags and more !

cpwmfriendsandfamily.com – Friends & Family Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win up to $ 2,000 in World Market Gift Cards !

surf-detergent.com/SurfToHawaii – Surf Surf to Hawaii Sweepstakes

Enter for a chance to win a trip to Maui, Hawaii !

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