Daily Entry Sweepstakes

Find Sweepstakes You Can Enter Once A Day on SweepstakesMag

Circle K Polar Pop Cup 4 Life Sweepstakes

Want to win a lifetime supply of Circle K Polar Pop Cups? Of course you do! Find out how to participate for your chance to win the Sweepstakes.
Firestone Race Andretti Contest 2017

Firestone Race Andretti Contest 2017

Are you up to race Andretti? Firestone is challenging you to go head-to-head against this racing icon at RaceAndretti.com for a chance to get him to follow you.
Food Lion Summer Sizzle Instant Win Game 2017 (FoodLion.com/SummerSizzle)

Food Lion Summer Sizzle Instant Win Game 2017 (FoodLion.com/SummerSizzle)

Play Food Lion Summer Sizzle at foodlion.com/summersizzle for your chance to score sizzling summer prizes like gift cards, new grills or a $10K grand prize!
www.DIYnetwork.com/AMDLGiveaway - America’s Most Desperate Landscape Giveaway

DIY Network Is Looking For America’s Most Desperate Landscape

The DIY Network AMDL Giveaway returned on May 10th and you could win $50,000 towards a landscape makeover when you enter at DIYnetwork.com/AMDLGiveaway.
Auto-Owners Insurance TRUEXPERIENCE Sweepstakes (AutoOwnersTruexperience.com)

Auto-Owners Insurance TRUEXPERIENCE Sweepstakes (AutoOwnersTruexperience.com)

Martin Truex Jr. has teamed up with Auto-Owners Insurance to offer you the chance to choose one of three great experiences with the Auto-Owners Insurance TRUEXPERIENCE Sweepstakes.
Del Monte Fruit Fanatics Contest (FruitFanatics.com)

Del Monte Fruit Fanatics Contest (FruitFanatics.com)

Enter the Del Monte Fruit Fanatics Contest using #FruitFanatics #Contest on Twitter/Instagram, or upload an image/video at FruitFanatics.com.
Mike And Mike Dream NBA Finals Sweepstakes

Mike And Mike Dream NBA Finals Sweepstakes (with Word Of The Day)

Listen to ESPN Mike & Mike LIVE to hear the Word Of The Day today and enter the Mike And Mike Dream NBA Finals Sweepstakes at mikescontest.com/finals.

Travel Channel Ultimate Theme Park Vacation Sweepstakes

In May, enter this new Travel Channel Sweepstakes and you could win $10,000 cash towards the ultimate theme park vacation.
USA Network Rescue Restore Redecorate Sweepstakes

USA Network Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Sweepstakes 2017

USA Network and Ace Hardware are giving away a total of $6,000 in gift cards in the Rescue, Restore, Redecorate Sweepstakes. Want to be one of the winner?
Wheel of Fortune Mother’s Day Giveaway

Wheel of Fortune Mother’s Day Giveaway (with Puzzle Answers)

Tune in to Wheel Of Fortune every night during Spa Getaway week for the special Mother's Day Giveaway Puzzle and a chance to win $1,000.
Cost Plus World Market Amazing Women Sweepstakes

Cost Plus World Market Amazing Women Sweepstakes

The Cost Plus World Market Amazing Women Sweepstakes is your chance to win a $2,500 shopping spree for you and an amazing woman in your life.
Hallmark Channel Good Witch Vacation Celebration Sweepstakes

Hallmark Channel Good Witch Vacation Celebration Sweepstakes

Enter the Hallmark Channel Good Witch Vacation Celebration Sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip to Universal Orlando Resort.
Jeopardy Galapagos Great Escape Sweepstakes

Get Today’s Word For Jeopardy’s Galapagos Great Escape Sweepstakes

Watch Jeopardy and keep an eye out for the secret word to enter the Galapagos Great Escape Sweepstakes for a chance to win an expedition with Alex Trebek.
The Great Pigeon Forge Giveaway

Krystal Brings You The Great Pigeon Forge Giveaway

Enter the Great Pigeon Forge Giveaway and you could win an unforgettable Tennessee vacation for you and your family.
JetBlue One Thing That's Green Sweepstakes

Tell JetBlue Where To Park For A Chance To Win A Vacation Package

Cast your vote on where to build JetBlue's next green space for an automatic entry into the JetBlue One Thing That's Green Sweepstakes.

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