www.outdoorgeargiveaway.com – OutdoorGearGiveaway Sweepstakes


How To Enter : Visit the Official Outdoor Gear Give Away Sweepstakes website at www.OutdoorGearGiveaway.com and complete the official entry form

Eligibility : In order to submit entries and be a qualified entrant, individuals must be of at least 21 years of age, as of March 31, 2011, with proof of residency in the 48 contiguous states of the United States or the District of Columbia, residents of Alaska, Hawaii and any U. S territories are not eligible.

Timing : From July 2, 2010, through March 31, 2011

Limit : N/A

Prize (s) :

Grand Prize: One (1) Yamaha Grizzly 550 FI Auto 4×4 EPS Retail Value: $8,899

2nd Prize: Four (4) second prize winners Mossberg’s 4X4 Bolt Action Rifle (prize value, $652 each)

3rd Prize: One (1) Gerber Prize Pack (Ultimate Game Cleaning Kit, A.O. F.A.S.T. Pocket Knife, Machete (value, $200)

Monthly drawings: Metolius Knife (value, $85)