Slice of Life Essay Contest


Eligibility : To be considered in the Contest, a Contestant must be at least 26 years of age and have: a minimum of 4 years of licensed driving experience; 12 months of “overthe-road” Class 8 truck driving experience (defined as driving in 3 or more states and staying out in the truck for 2-3 nights a week); a positive work history; no criminal record, a valid Commercial Drivers License (CDL); a satisfactory driving record, including but not limited to no citations for DWI or OUI, reckless or careless driving, in the last 5 years, no major accidents in the last 5 years and no more than 2 moving violations in the past 12 months. Each Contestant
must also: agree to complete the application process as outlined in paragraph 3; be available for telephone interviews in connection with the Contest; be available to travel to Fort Mill, SC or another location as specified by Sponsor for one or more in-person and/or on-camera interviews in connection with the Contest; and to be available for public relations efforts as directed by theSponsor throughout the demonstration period.

Promotion Period : The Slice of Life Essay Contest begins at 12:00:01 am Eastern Time (“ET”) on October 9, 2009, and ends at 11:59:59 pm ET on December 31, 2009 (the “Contest Period”).

How To Enter : To enter the Contest, visit the visit (“Web Site”) during the Contest Period.

Prize (s):

The winning Contestant (“Winner”) will receive from Sponsor a new Freightliner Cascadia tractor (the “Tractor”) under a one-year “Slice of Life” demonstration agreement (approximate value $25,000).

Total ARV of all prizes: