Honda – Last Comic Standing Sweepstakes


Eligibility :
This Sweepstakes is only open to permanent legal residents of the forty eight (48) contiguous states of the United States and the District of Columbia who are physically located and residing therein, and who are eighteen (18) years of age or older as of May 22, 2008. Residents of the states of Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico and all other U.S. territories and possessions are not eligible to enter this Sweepstakes.

Timing :
he Honda/Last Comic Standing Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”), which will take place in conjunction with the Last Comic Driving Competition, begins on May 22, 2008 at 9:00:01 p.m. ET and ends on August 7, 2008, at 8:59:59 p.m. ET (“Sweepstakes Period”).

How to Enter :
To enter, access the Sweepstakes web site at (“Web Site”), click on the Sweepstakes icon or text link, either of which will take you to the Sweepstakes home page, and follow the online instructions to rate the videotaped performances (collectively, the “Performances”) of the weekly featured comic (“Featured Comic”) in the Last Comic Driving Competition, based on the judging criteria (provided below). The Performances will be available for public rating each Thursday, beginning at 9:00:01 pm ET and ending the following Thursday at 8:59:59 pm ET (i.e. for seven (7) days) (“Rating Period”) (See chart below for Rating Period start and end dates and times.) During each of the first ten (10) Rating Periods, one (1) Featured Comic’s Performance will be made available for public rating. During Rating Period # 11, all ten (10) Featured Comics’ Performances will be made available for public rating. The rating of the Performances on the Web Site will be based upon the following criteria (“Judging Criteria”) each of which is of equal importance: 1) Originality; 2) Presentation; and 3) Humorous Content. The rating of the Performances should be based on the Judging Criteria and the Performances only; any other non-competition material (e.g., backstage video, or interviews) that may appear on the Web Site is not to be considered while rating the Performances. After you have rated the Featured Comic’s Performances, you will be directed to a Sweepstakes entry page and entry form. Then complete and thereafter submit the entry form. Information required on the entry form (collectively “Entry Information”) consists of your complete first and last name, complete address (including zip code), telephone number (including area code), date of birth, and e-mail address. You may also enter without rating a comic by going directly to the Sweepstakes entry page and entry form at the bottom of the Web Site and entering your Entry Information and thereafter submitting your entry form (“Entry”). If entrant is a resident of a jurisdiction that deems him/her to be a minor, he/she must obtain consent from his/her parent or legal guardian prior to submitting any personally identifiable information. Entries must be received by 8:59:59 pm ET on August 7, 2008.

Limit :
Limit one (1) Entry per person and/or email address per day. Limit seventy-eight (78) total Entries per person and/or email address for the entire Sweepstakes Period.

Prize (s):
There will be one (1) prize awarded consisting of a 2009 Honda Pilot 2WD LX (“Vehicle”) with an Estimated Retail Value (“ERV”) of thirty-two thousand dollars ($32,000) (“Prize”). All details of the Prize will be determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion

Total ARV of all prizes :