Share the Experience 2009 Official Federal Recreation Lands Photo Contest


EligibilityShare the Experience 2009 Official Federal Recreation Lands Photo Contest (the “Contest”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty United States and DC, 18 years of age or older as of May 4, 2009.

Promotion Period : The Share the Experience 2009 Official Federal Recreation Lands Photo Contest runs between 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) on May 4, 2009 Ends at 11:59 p.m.ET on January 31, 2010 (the “Contest Period”).

How To Enter : During the Contest Period, visit, and follow the links and instructions to register for the Contest and submit up to three (3) total photo Entries

Limit : Each Contestant may enter up to a total of three (3) photographs in either category or combination of categories during the Contest Period, through any method or combination of methods of entry.

Prize (s):

Federal Recreation Lands Pass Category:
ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: An Olympus E-3 digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera & 12-60mm lens; Ken Burns “National Parks: America’s Best Idea” DVD & Book; a trip for four (4) to a federal recreation land of the winner’s choice (excluding American Samoa and Guam) managed by one (1) of the five (5) following agencies: National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Forest Service; and a Federal Recreational Lands Pass. Trip package includes: roundtrip coach-class air transportation for four (4) from a major airport near winner’s home (determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion) to the major airport of the city closest to the winner’s selected destination; five (5) days and four (4) nights accommodations at a hotel determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion (two (2) rooms, double occupancy); Full-Size rental car for length of stay; and $1,000 spending money. Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): $9,907.

ONE (1) SECOND PRIZE: An Olympus E-620 DSLR camera kit; Ken Burns “National Parks: America’s Best Idea” DVD & Book; a trip for two (2) to a federal recreation land of the winner’s choice (excluding American Samoa and Guam) managed by one (1) of the five (5) following agencies: National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Forest Service; and a Federal Recreational Lands Pass. Trip package includes: roundtrip coach-class air transportation for two (2) from a major airport near winner’s home (determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion) to the major airport of the city closest to the winner’s selected destination; three (3) days and two (2) nights accommodations at a hotel determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion (single room, double occupancy); Mid-Size rental car for length of stay; and $750 spending money. ARV: $4,007.

ONE (1) THIRD PRIZE: An Olympus SP-590 UZ Digital Camera; a Magellan Triton 2000 GPS unit; Ken Burns “National Parks: America’s Best Idea” DVD & Book; and a Federal Recreational Lands pass. ARV: $1,157.

ONE (1) FOURTH PRIZE: An Olympus Stylus Tough-8000 Digital Camera; a $250 gift card to REI or Patagonia; Ken Burns “National Parks: America’s Best Idea” DVD & Book; and a Federal Recreational Lands Pass. Sponsors will determine the retailer in their sole discretion. ARV: $857.

TEN (10) HONORABLE MENTIONS: An Olympus Stylus Tough-6000 Digital Camera; a Federal Recreational Lands Pass; Ken Burns “National Parks: America’s Best Idea” DVD & Book; and a $150 gift card to REI or Patagonia. Sponsors will determine the retailer in their sole discretion. ARV: $657.50.

America at its Best Category:
ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: An Olympus E-30 digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera & 12-60mm lens; Ken Burns “National Parks: America’s Best Idea” DVD & Book; and the winning photograph featured in an issue of Parks magazine. ARV: $2,027.

Total ARV of all prizes:

Winners : Winner List requests will only be accepted after the promotion end date (listed above) and no later than June 30, 2010. For the Winner List, visit the promotion website, complete the form at the bottom of the FAQ, and select “Win List Request” in the drop down.