Ultimate NASCAR Performance Makeover Sweepstakes


Eligibility : Ultimate NASCAR Performance Makeover Sweepstakes (“Promotion”) is open to individual legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia, age 18 years of age or older at the time of entry

Promotion Period : Ultimate NASCAR Performance Makeover Sweepstakes begins at 12:00:01 AM (EST) on August 21, 2009, and ends at 11:59:59 PM (EST) on October 25, 2009 (“Promotion Period”).

How To Enter : Complete the official registration form available at www.NASCAR.com/makeover. Click on “Submit”, and follow the on-screen instructions
to proceed.

Limit : Limit one entry per person/household/email address/per day.

Prize (s):

One (1) Grand Prize: 1] Up to a $10,000 vehicle makeover which includes paint, body, parts and labor. Winner has the choice to accept the vehicle makeover for his/her own vehicle OR winner may chose to have another person’s vehicle receive the vehicle makeover.; 2] a fan make-over which includes NASCAR® licensed apparel and accessories of winner’s favorite NASCAR® Driver (subject to availability) and one (1) Sprint FanView® device (subscription not included); 3] $500 spending money for winner and 4] a four (4) day/three (3) night trip for two (2) persons to Miami, FL (“City”), on Sponsor-selected dates, currently on or about November 20th -23rd 2009 (“Trip”), consisting of the following elements for winner and guest: [a] hotel accommodations (one standard room/double occupancy, including room tax) for three (3) nights; [b] two (2) tickets to the NASCAR® Nationwide Series Ford 300 currently on or about November 21st, two (2) tickets to the NASCAR® Sprint Cup Series Ford 400 currently on or about November 22nd and two (2) VIP Tour passes to the Homestead-
Miami Speedway currently on or about November 20th – 22nd 2009; [c] one (1) full-size rental vehicle with unlimited mileage for duration of stay.  Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of prize: $15,100,

Three (3) First Prizes: 1] One (1) set of American Racing Wheels (value up to $1,000) (or Sponsor selected wheels if American Racing Wheels are not available for winner’s car) and Goodyear Tires (value up to $500) (ARV: up to $1,500 ea.).

Twenty-five (25) Second Prizes: One (1) NASCAR® Performance Prize Pack (ARV: $300 ea.).

Total ARV of all prizes:

Winners : To obtain a winners list, mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Ultimate NASCAR Performance Makeover Winners List, P.O. Box 9322, Medford, NY 11763- 9322. Requests must be received by October 25, 2009. Winners list will be available after selection and verification of all winners.