Deal Or No Deal – Win a Trip to The Super Bowl Sweepstakes


Eligibility :
Open only to permanent legal residents of the forty-eight (48) contiguous states of theUnited States and the District of Columbia who are physically located and residing therein, and who aretwenty-one (21) years of age or older as of November 10, 2008. Residents of the states of Alaska andHawaii, and residents of Guam, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories and possessions are not eligibleto enter this Sweepstakes. Entrants must have a valid Social Security Number or a valid U.S. personal taxidentification number to participate.

Timing :
The Deal Or No Deal – Win a Trip to The SuperBowl Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”), which will take place in conjunction with the syndicated televisionshow Deal Or No Deal (“Show”), will begin on November 10, 2008 at 12:00:01 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”)and end on November 23, 2008, at 11:59:59 p.m. ET (“Sweepstakes Period”).

How to enter:
On each weekday during the Sweepstakes Period, Sponsors will broadcast either one (1) or
two (2) episodes of the Show (collectively, “Broadcasts”). The number of Broadcasts that air each day
will depend on how often the Show airs in your local viewing area (check your local listings for Show
times and stations). Within approximately the last five (5) minutes of each Broadcast of the Show, the
final amount of money won by that episode’s Contestant (“Winning Amount”) will be identified onscreen
(“Identification”). For Broadcasts that are scheduled to air Monday through Thursday during the
Sweepstakes Period, viewers will have from the time of the Identification until 11:59:59 p.m. E.T. the
same day to enter the Sweepstakes by visiting (“Web Site”) and submitting the
Winning Amount. For example, for the Broadcasts that air on Monday November 10, 2008, viewers will
have until 11:59:59 p.m. ET on Monday November 10, 2008 to enter the Sweepstakes. For Broadcasts
that are scheduled to air on Fridays during the Sweepstakes Period, there will be three (3) separate entry
windows. Viewers will have from the time of the Identification on Friday until 11:59:59 p.m. E.T. the
same day to enter the Sweepstakes by visiting the Web Site and submitting the Winning Amount from
Friday’s Broadcasts. Viewers can also enter the Sweepstakes between 12:00:01 a.m. and 11:59:59 p.m.
on Saturday, and between 12:00:01 a.m. and 11:59:59 p.m. on Sunday. To enter the Sweepstakes, access
the Web Site and click on the Sweepstakes icon. Then complete and thereafter submit the entry form
(“Entry Form”). Information required on the Entry Form consists of your first and last name, complete
address (including Zip code), telephone number (including area code), date of birth, and email address.
You must also submit the correct Winning Amount displayed in the Identification on the Broadcast that
most recently precedes the time of entry. Your Entry Form and the correct Winning Amount will together
constitute your entry into the Sweepstakes (“Entry”). All Entries become the property of NBC Universal
Television Distribution, 10 Universal City Plaza, Universal City, CA 91608; NBC Universal, Inc., 3000
West Alameda Avenue, Burbank, CA 91505; (collectively, “Sponsors”), and will not be acknowledged or
returned. Entries must be received before November 23, 2008, at 11:59:59 p.m. to be eligible for the

You may enter up to ten (10) times per day during the Sweepstakes Period, for a total ofone hundred forty (140) Entries during the entire Sweepstakes Period.

Prize (s):

There will be one (1) prize (“Prize”) awarded, consisting of the following: A trip (“Trip”) forwinner (“Winner”) and one (1) guest (“Guest”) to Orlando, Florida for Super Bowl XLIII weekend. Tripincludes: round-trip, coach-class air transportation from the major commercial airport nearest Winner’shome (as determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion), to Orlando, FL; standard hotel accommodations(single room/double occupancy) for Winner and Guest for three (3) nights at a hotel contracted bySponsor (“Hotel”); two (2) tickets to Super Bowl XLIII scheduled to be held on February 1, 2009 inTampa Bay, FL (the “Game”); two (2) tickets to a welcome reception (“Reception”) scheduled to be heldon January 30, 2009 (exact time/duration of Reception to be determined by Sponsors in their solediscretion); two (2) tickets to NBC’s Saturday Night Extravaganza (“Party”) scheduled to be held onJanuary 31, 2009 (exact time/duration of Party to be determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion); two(2) tickets to a pre-game tailgate party at the Game location (“Tailgate”) scheduled to be held on February1, 2009 (exact time/duration of Tailgate to be determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion); and two (2)tickets to a post-game reception (“Post-game Party”, and together with Game, Reception, Party andTailgate, “Events”) scheduled to be held on February 1, 2009 (exact time/duration of Post-game Party tobe determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion); breakfast and lunch at the Hotel on Saturday, January31, 2009 and breakfast at the Hotel on February 1, 2009 (cost of meals to be determined by Sponsors intheir sole discretion); two (2) custom NBC Sport Super Bowl gift bags (actual contents of gift bags to bedetermined by Sponsors and subject to change at Sponsors’ sole discretion) round trip ground transportationbetween the hotel and airport; round trip ground transportation between the hotel and Game; and Winner(only) will receive two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), paid by check, which may be used by theWinner to help pay any applicable taxes associated with accepting the Prize. The Approximate RetailValue (“ARV”) of Prize is twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500).

Total ARV of all prizes: