With the Super Bowl $50K Sweepstakes at Pepsi50kSweeps.com, your favorite grocery store Albertsons and Pepsi are giving away $50,000 and up to 300 NFLShop.com gift cards to celebrate the Super Bowl 50.
For your chance to win, buy any two participating Pepsi-Cola, Frito Lay, Mars or Wrigley products at Albertsons and enter the Sweepstakes Code online. You could win $50,000 or NFLShop.com Gift Cards every week through February 7th.
How To Get A Code
In order to participate in the Albertsons And Pepsi Super Bowl $50K Sweepstakes, you must obtain a code between December 30 and February 7. To get a code, get started by visiting your local Albertson’s store and purchasing at least two of the following participating products:
- All flavors and sizes of PepsiCo beverages
- All flavors and sizes of Frito-Lay chips, snacks and dips (excluding cookies, crackers, nuts, seeds and beef jerky)
- All flavors and sizes of QUAKERR hot cereals
- All 9.9oz. – 14oz. packages for the following brands: SNICKERSR Brand Miniatures, TWIXR Brand Miniatures, MILKYWAYR Brand Miniatures, M&M¡¦SR Chocolate Candies, and MARSR Mixed Miniatures
- All sizes and flavors for the following brands: Any flavor SKITTLESR branded candies, Single Serve (1.8-2.17 oz.) or Laydown Bags (14.0-15.6 oz.) and Any flavor STARBURSTR branded fruit chews, Single Serve (2.07 oz.) or Laydown Bags (14.0-15.6oz.)
Take a picture of your receipt and send it via text message or email to pepsi50k@drvsusa.com. A code will instantly be sent to you.
But wait, you can also call toll-free 1-800-926-1306 and follow the instructions to request up to one (1) free Code per day during the Promotion Period.
Enter At Pepsi50kSweeps.com To Win
After you received a Code, go online to pepsi50ksweeps.com and complete the registration form, including your unique code, to earn one (1) entry into the Sweepstakes. Each receipt can only be submitted once to get a code so keep shopping at Albertsons for more chances to win or keep calling toll-free number for more codes.
Each week, Albertsons and Pepsi will award 50 weekly prizes, each consisting of a $50 NFLShop.com Online Gift Certificate, for a total of 300 weekly winners. Plus, on or about February 15, 2016, one lucky Grand Prize Winner will be randomly selected and will score a check for $50,000.
The Albertsons And Pepsi Super Bowl $50K Sweepstakes is open only to legal U.S. residents of the fifty (50) United States who are 18 years of age or older at the time of entry.